Saturday, November 18, 2006

Interview with Seka, a Porn Legend

Seka is a retired now, but in her prime she was a very active and very well known porn star. She first started here career in 1978 at age 24. Between 1978 and 1993 she appeared in 184 films and even directed two! She did everything from sex with other women, anal sex, masturbating/sex with toys, and even double penetration. She's arguably the most famous porn star of the 80's.

During her prime her stats were:

Measurements: 39-23-34
Height: 5 ft 8 in (1.73 m)
Weight: 118 lb (54 kg)
Hair color: Platinum blonde (dyed)
Birthdate: April 15, 1954
Orientation: Bisexual

Although she's retired, Seka still keeps herself very busy with public appearances, running her fan club and website, etc. I was lucky enough to catch her in her booth at The Everything to Do With Sex Show in Toronto for a brief interview:

Me: I know you're really busy here, so lets jump right into the questions. You went far in the porn industry without getting a boob job, so what are your feelings about fake breasts?.

Seka: I feel that getting a boob job is fine, it's a good self-esteem boost for women who might need it. However, if you have it done for your career you won't find it as fulfilling.

Me: When did you get yours done and why?

Seka: I didn't get my breasts done until later in my career, when I was getting old, to keep them from drooping. *wink*

Me: What are your thoughts on condom use in pornography?

Seka: I think that condoms are extremely important for the safety of the actors! One of the reasons why I stopped performing was because the studios were not demanding condom use in their films and weren't demanding that their actors all be tested. I liked waking up alive, so I quit.

Me: I know that one of the many reasons you were popular is because you frequently shaved off your pubic hair. You were doing it well before it was popular in the states, so what made you decide to start?

Seka: *laughing* A director just asked me to shave for his film, I said "sure" and never looked back.

Me: You're still making a good living off of films and pictures that were done many years ago. How do you feel about having achieved this sort of immortality through the media?

Seka: I feel that it's quite an honour.

Me: What advice would you give to a young woman just getting into the porn industry?

Seka: My first piece of advice is to demand testing and demand condoms. And get an education for afterwards - you can't make a living in front of the camera forever in this business.

Me: Well, that's it. Thank you so much for your time Seka.

Seka: You're welcome!

Seka then left me to get back to her lineup of fans, but not before making sure that I got an autographed photo of her (pictured above). ^_^

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