Friday, May 02, 2008

Form Test

Welcome to the official information sheet for The Great Porn Experiment.

The idea of this experiment was to see if we could affect our dreams (i.e. make them sexier) by exposing our minds to sexual material (i.e. hot porn in the form of hentai, erotica, stills, video - whatever floats your boat) before going to sleep.
We also wanted to know if we would see a difference between those who enjoyed a "release" (i.e. having sex or masturbating) and those who did nothing before going to bed.

If you participated in the experiment (you still have time to start now!), please fill out the following form to the best of your ability.

[Your answers will remain as anonymous as you want them to be, so don't be shy. ^_^]

Let's start off with the basics:

What's your gender?

How old are you?

How often do you usually watch/read/view porn?

Nickname (optional)

E-mail (optional)

So, during this experiment what type of porn were you usually enjoying?

How long did you spend enjoying your porn each night?

How many nights in a row were you able to try participating in this experiment?

If you had to take breaks in between your porn experiment nights,
how many nights did you participate in total?

What did you do after viewing your "dose" of porn?
Had me a good wank
Had hot sex with a partner
Had nothing - at least until morning.
Other (well, what then? )

Did you notice any effects?
Not Sure

If yes, what did you experience? (sexually themed dreams? wet dreams? unusually intense morning arousal? etc) Be as explicit as you like ^_~

How many nights did you experience these effects?

When you did have sexy dreams, did they follow the same theme as the porn you were watching? (i.e. If you were looking at anal sex , did you dream about anal sex? Similarly, if you were looking at tentacle sex - did you dream about that?) Please explain:

On nights where you didn't enjoy any porn, did you notice that the content your dreams was much less sexual?
Not Sure

Additional Comments?

Thanks you so much for playing with us and for filling out my form! You are awesome!
Watch for a sexy summary of these results coming soon! ^_^